September Book Haul! || 2017

Hello everyone! I have a surprisingly small book haul for September, and I must say I’m rather pleased with myself. Well, I would be if I hadn’t started October off with a BANG in the book-buying department. Ahem, but that’s for another month. In September I did the marvellous job of actually not buying more books than I can read in a month. I know, I surprise myself sometimes.

I’m not going to lie, this amazing display of discipline is 100% because I don’t have the money for any serious book shopping right now – so fear not, I have not been replaced by a doppelgänger.

The Haul

Borderline by Mishell Baker

This one is an easy one to explain. Casey @ Adoptabookaus and myself run a book club called Squabbling Dragons (you should definitely JOIN) and this is the October pick of the month. So duh. I bought a copy (what even is a library (just kidding, my library is shit rubbish and didn’t have a copy)). It’s about a girl who looses her legs after a failed suicide attempt, then looses her filming career BUT gets a second chance at life when she’s given the mission to enter a parallel world filled with fae. I. KNOW.

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

I don’t think you’re actually ready for how much of a steal this book was: upon entering my local newsagency I delighted upon seeing a BOOK BARGAIN BIN – a bookworm’s dream, no? I didn’t expect to find anything BUT I did. Both this and the next book in my haul were in there AND this was a grand total of $2 (AUD) *takes a bow*. So obviously I bought it. What’s it about? The MC seems to have an accident, get seriously burned and turns into a monster (whether literally or not I am unsure) but then he meets a woman who sculptures gargoyles and tells him they were lovers in a previous life. Like, I’m in. Oh, and my copy has black edging on the paper #WinningAtLife.

Demon Road by Derek Landy

I positively hate the cover for this one, but at the bargain price of $3 I picked it up. I have heard many a fantastic thing about this story, and to be fair it does sound good. The main character in this book is part monster (there seems to be a theme going on) and honestly, I don’t know much more, but I’m keen to dive in on that premise alone.

Believe Me by Eddie Izzard

This is one I got on audiobook – Audible has been begging for my return (seriously, unsubscribe for a few months and they start flinging deals at you). So for a whopping $7 (I’m positively cackling at this bargain) I got Eddie Izzard’s new memoir. Ever since reading Is It Just Me (Miranda Hart) I’ve been hooked on reading autobiographies and the like. I LOVE Izzard and this is narrated by him so if you hear any faint screaming in the distance, that’s just me fangirling.

The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley

This one is a borrow from the library (I KNOW, SOMETIMES I USE THE LIBRARY). It is a book Casey and I were considering using for the book club but then I got impatient and went to the library anyway. Such a good friend I am. It sounds awesome. Well, the blurb is a lot to take in but basically there are ships and a war and I think the world is destroyed (hence ships). Then, enter MC: can’t remember anything and is forced to take sides on a genocidal campaign and STUFF HAPPENS. Sounds good, right?

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

This is a quick edit as I totally forgot to add this one on this list! I ended up caving and purchasing a copy of Tower of Dawn despite my hesitations over it being about Chaol. I’m still not thrilled that we have this massive book just dedicated to solely him but I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things, so now I’m actually pretty excited to dive into it!

What books did you buy in September?

Well, not a bad haul but nothing of my standard caliber. I expect I’ll get around to a couple of these books in October (miracles do happen, you know) so that’d be exciting. But really, I shouldn’t be buying any books when my piles of unread books on my shelves are as big as they are. Don’t ask the number, your soul will wince.

Happy Reading

~~ Kirstie ~~


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