Top Ten Tuesday: 2016 Releases Part 2!

Guess who’s finally able to crack down with some reading? ME! I’m so excited, guys, I’ve finally got time on my hands so in between all the holiday planning I’m busy sticking my nose into several books. I’ve absolutely been tearing through some fantastic books lately which means I’m getting über excited about all the new ones about to come out!


This week’s theme is:

 Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of The Year

Hold your tea steady, this is going to get real exciting. There are quite literally so many amazing books being released in the second half of the year that I might BURST with excitement. 2016 has been such a cracker of a year for new books so let’s continue partying on *vigorous boogying*.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over @ The Broke and the Bookish and each week there’s a different theme that we get to make a list about featuring ten related books. It’s so much fun and the topics are always great! It’s also a fabulous way to learn more about people’s reading adventures and I recommend heading over to the official page to do some exploring through the link up.


by Colleen Houck

book 2


RELEASE DATE: 2nd August 2016

Oh please, don’t give me that look. You knew that this would make this list. HOUCK IS THE QUEEN OF EVERYTHING, for me. The first book in this series, Reawakened, was terribly amazing and I seriously can’t wait to see where the series goes. This is all about a girl who ends up getting stuck helping an ancient mummy (who is GORGEOUS) sort out all sorts of Egyptian curses, etc. I love it.



 Crooked Kingdom
by Leigh Bardugo

book 2


RELEASE DATE: 27th September 2016

All hail Bardugo! If you’ve read Six of Crows and LOVED it then you’ll probably as likely to wet yourself with excitement as I am. We were left on such a cruel cliff hanger at the end of the last book so the only way I’ve been able to deal with it is by not thinking about it. If you haven’t read the first book yet then BY GEORGE get onto it! It’s fantastical heist story – you should definitely be sold with that. You don’t need to have read her other series beforehand, also, it’s completely unrelated. Thus, you have no excuses.



Blood for Blood
by Ryan Graudin

book 2


RELEASE DATE: 1st November 2016

This series has me ridiculously excited. When the novella (that was a whole ONE HUNDRED PAGES) came out I don’t think any other human being could have been so excited about it as I was. This series is an epic reimagining of WWII history where Hitler wins the war. It’s a terrifying prospect and I so can’t wait to see where things go in book two. The first book, Wolf by Wolf, followed the characters as they competed in an annual, exclusive motorbike race and it. was. epic.



Empire of Storms
by Sarah J. Maas

book 5


RELEASE DATE: 6th September 2016

I have absolutely no idea how this woman manages to pump so many books out in a year. We’ve just had the release of A Court of Mist and Fury from her other series which was 600+ pages long and Empire of Storms is set to be 700+ pages long. JEEPERS CREEPERS WOMAN. I’m so very, very excited though, I think (I hope) that this will continue the story as epically as it has been going. The previous book, Queen of Shadows, was to die for.



 A Torch Against the Night
by Sabaa Tahir

book 2


RELEASE DATE: 30th August 2016

This series is off to a cracking start. I was flabbergasted by just how good the first book, An Ember in the Ashes, was. The story is original and rich and the characters were tangible and loveable. I have so much respect for Tahir for writing a tale of epic proportions. I really cannot wait for the release of this book!



by Maria Dahvanah Headley

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RELEASE DATE: 4th October 2016

There are some pretty mixed reviews for this series out there. I, however, love it. This is my kind of weird. The first book, Magonia, put me on a rollercoaster of emotions and I adored it. I’m seriously curious to see where the story develops from there because I shall say three things to you: magic, flying pirates ships, crocodile suits.



 The Shadow Hour
by Melissa Grey

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RELEASE DATE: 12th July 2016

EEEEP. I actually really want to reread the first book before I dive back into this one. There was so much that happened in The Girl at Midnight and I really, really enjoyed it. Firstly, there are dragon shifters, but more importantly the story was a whirl of an adventure. I’m SO excited to read book two! *throws flowers in the air* Of course, I wasn’t thinking when I ordered this and this will come out whilst I’m away, *gasp*. So it will sit at home waiting for me for a whole month, *cries*.



Architect of Song
by A. G. Howard

book 1


RELEASE DATE: 15th August 2016

This is very curious book indeed. If you don’t know, Howard is one of my all time favourite authors right now. I would currently rank them like this: J. K. Rolling, Colleen Houck, A. G. Howard. I think. ANYWAY. She’s written one of my FAVOURITE Alice in Wonderland retellings (the Splintered series) which tore my soul to pieces in the best way possible. She’s coming out with a retelling of Phantom of the Opera (gasp) next year but in between there’s this beauty coming out. I can’t find anywhere that I can pre-order it but golly gosh am I ready for it.



And I Darken
by Kiersten White

book 1


RELEASE DATE: 7th July 2016

This is actually coming out really soon now and I don’t know if I’m going to have time to get my hands on a copy and read it what with all my holiday shenanigans (terrible, isn’t it?). I was so sold on this book purely because I adore this cover. It’s so cool but I do also think the plot sounds wicked. Thank goodness the wait is nearly up.



Three Dark Crowns
by Kendare Blake

book 1


RELEASE DATE: 20th September 2016

BECAUSE SISTERS WHO ARE FIGHTING WITH THEIR MAGICAL POWERS THAT THEY SECRETLY DON’T HAVE. *faints* If I don’t just love this book, I’ll be sorely disappointed. This look epic and I can’t wait for its release.



On the Other Side
by Carrie Hope Fletcher

book 1


RELEASE DATE: 14th July 2016

I think Carrie is one of my favourite humans in the whole wide world. She’s beautiful and kind and inspirational and I’m about to (finally) start reading her autobiography. But of course she also now has this fantasy series coming out this year!! AND I’M GUNNA BE IN ENGLAND TO BUY IT. I don’t know why that makes it more exciting, but it does, just go with it. I can’t wait, I hope I love it, I will devour it.


Well, I did try and warn you that this’d be a rather exciting post. I’m so, so, so excited for all of these books and it kills me how long I have to wait for them! But it does seem like only yesterday that we were discussing the books coming out in this half of the year – next thing we know we’ll be ranting about 2017 (and it’s looking good, I’ll tell ya).

What book are you most excited for?

Let me know in the comments below!

End Note

~~ Kirstie ~~


19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 2016 Releases Part 2!

  1. I actually have an embarrassing moment in my post thinking 2017 was a gazillion light years away BUT NO IT’S ONLY 6 MONTHS AWAY BASICALLY AN DHOW DID THAT HAPPEN AND OMG PLEASE SOMEONE STOP THIS YEAR FROM FLYING SO FAST. *breaks down sobbing* I swear this only happens when one grows old.
    Anyway. YES to Three Dark Crowns particularly! I CAN’T WAIT. And I also have an eARC of And I Darken and I need to read that ASAP. You know, after the other 93839 books I need to read ASAP. -_- My TBR is seriously out of control and i’m just closing my eyes and hoping for the best at this stage. #logic
    OH and Blood for Blood?! I hadn’t heard of that one but it sounds FANTASTIC. Although I do feel bad because I own two of that author’s books and haven’t read either. wHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING WITH MY LIFE. WHERE ARE MY PRIORITIES. *runs about screaming*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. CAIT! *echoes off mountains* Blood for Blood is the sequel to Wolf by Wolf which you absolutely definitely MUST read 😱😱

      Ahem. But yes omg let’s not talk about TBRs – kids, don’t have birthdays, they’re terrible for keeping on top of things. #StillNotRecovered Omg I work as a receptionist right, and I keep getting the “oh hehe my goodness is it July already?!” When people book back in. Sheeshkababs, I freak out every time. COME BACK 2016 I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU.


  2. So many amazing books on your list! I have a lot of the same books on my TTT this week. The book I am most looking forward too is Frost Like Night. So many sequels, I feel like I’m rushing around to keep up. Happy reading, and hopefully all these sequels are as exciting as we hope they are.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. YES EMPIRE OF STORMS!! Man that book is going to destroy us I think but we’ll be happy about it LOL! I need it like air basically XD Three Dark Crowns sounds amazing as well!! Awesome picks^^ xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Some of these books are my most anticipated releases as well. I am so excited to Crooked Kingdom, Empire of Storms and Three Dark Crowns. Also I totally didn’t realise that Wolf by Wolf had a sequel until a couple of days ago, now even though I’ve yet to read Wolf by Wolf I’m already really excited for Blood by Blood! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *high five* look at us having awesome taste. But omg when these books come out I shall go crazy and EAT them because I am so ready to know what happens. And gurrl get yourself on to Wolf by Wolf! It was awesome ☺️☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very awesome taste! XD
        I know what you mean though, I am so excited for some of these books I don’t know how I’ll react when I actually have them in my hands!
        I will be starting Wolf by Wolf very soon, hopefully next week! I’ve heard great things about it so I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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