The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams | book review


Rating: 5 out of 5.

This book had all the feels and all the wisdom.

Genre: Contemporary fiction
Author: Sara Nisha Adams
Published: July 2021
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 420 (paperback)

This was unexpectedly profound and beautiful. I thought I was heading in a cute-sy love story, but this is much more than that.

The Reading List is a book clearly made out of the love the author has for books and the magic they can work on us. It’s a wonderful story of connection that introduces you to so many different and fascinating characters.

It’s deeply sad at times but very uplifting at others. And there’s nothing better than a book that makes you want to keep reading – and keep reading other books, not just this one! I loved the idea of this mysterious reading list that was finding its way into people’s lives when they needed it most. I think I will have to add some to my own TBR to see what all the fuss is about now, too.

Highly, highly recommend to just about any kind of reader (that is what this book is about, after all).

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Title: The Reading List
Author: Sara Nisha Adams
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A faded list.
Nine favourite stories.
For two strangers, friendship is only a page away . . .

When Mukesh Patel pops to the local library, forgoing his routine of grocery shopping and David Attenborough documentaries, he has no idea his life’s about to change.

He meets Aleisha, a reluctant librarian and the keeper of a curious reading list – just a scrappy piece of paper with the names of 9 stories. It doesn’t seem anything special. Yet something tells her to keep it close . . .

Story by story, Mukesh and Aleisha work their way through the list – their worries slipping away with every encounter, with every world discovered in their unlikely book club of two.

A fresh chance at life, at friendship, wasn’t on the cards for these lonely souls – but every story starts somewhere . . .

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